• LED Moonboard w/ 2019 Hold Set

  • 40' 10x12 Spray Wall w/ Stokt App

  • 800+ sq.ft. Continuous Traversing Walls

  • 2000+ High Quality and Varied Holds

  • 5 Wall Angles 0' 10' 25' 40' 60'

  • Hangboards and Grip Training Blocks

  • Free Weights and Barbell w/ Plates

  • Rings, Pull Up Bar and Pulley Systems

  • Metolius Standardized Campus Board

  • Stoked and Supportive Training Partners

The Co-op is cared for by its members. We all work together to keep the space clean and in good condition.

The Co-op does not have conventional staff who open the facility.

Instead, members are given a unique individual access to come and go.

Upon purchasing a membership, you will be sent follow-up emails by our Memberships Managers with information on the next steps to gaining access.

If you have any questions, please send an email grandwallbouldering@gmail.com.

We look forward to climbing with you!

Where to Find Us

The Co-op is located in downtown Squamish. Halfway between Victoria street and Winnipeg street.

There is plenty of free street parking available.

38036 Loggers Ln, Squamish BC V8B 0Z9

Go to Google Maps